星期一, 10月 24, 2005



10月7日 約返舊同學 阿 Sam 食 Lunch,知道佢同女友計劃緊結婚,都好"鄧"佢高興.

10月8日 Group 31 & 32 BBQ,約親都冇次成,終於都可以嚮 Yi & Tiff 屋頂燒烤啦,一向唔喜歡 BBQ 的我,發覺原來嚮朋友屋企 BBQ 都唔係咁劣啫,好好氣氛架.去佢哋屋企之前仲"碌齡"添,一次過滿足兩個要求!

10月13日 約Kevin畀返結婚相畀佢...聽過佢的"解釋",我都明白就算係自己"轉呔"都好難受既...好奇怪,真係三年都冇約出嚟,但係依然仲可以好好傾.多謝你楂車送我返屋企喎,真係好爽.

10月22日 今日係哥哥生日,但係我以為次次都係得星期日得閒的哥哥,今次轉咗星期六,好屈!所以我一早就約咗 Berry 同 Kathy 嚟我屋企.唔得閒入去同哥哥慶祝生日....仲冇得見12日大的姪仔添.

返到屋企,我掛住炒飯,點知撐d煲燶雞翼,好彩個煲燶,雞翼冇燶,至於個炒飯都算合格,(至少我認為先啦)不過如果唔係用哂d鹽,我諗會再好味d...真係難為 Berry 同 Kathy 啦,希望你哋冇被我嚇怕啦.
我仲炒緊飯,Berry 同 Kathy 就嚟到啦,仲聽到我同樺爾討論緊駛唔駛搬張地台的枱做茶几添...哈你哋咁瘦唔駛啦.
睇吓相,又講吓 Kathy 的終身大事...己經知道你會結婚好耐...但係我仲未好接受到...你走咗,邊個同我學詠春呀?!6_<~~~~~~


Berry 同Kathy走咗之後,我最終都冇入屯門同哥哥祝生日...飲恨了!

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

I haven't done my important mission in the last gathering -- to trace my money back, u forgot, I forgot too.
OK! If u consider to prepare breakfast, lunch & dinner to me for a week, u can replace the deposit & interest, otherwise, I'm afraid u will find some graphic in your loverly home. I still remember your address, it's blk 1 26/F, Rm X. Give u a chance, u must payback within your life, otherwise, I don't know what will happen, ha! ha!
Actually, do u know who am I?
Yes, the one who talked to u for the whole lesson to discuss a film during the phy lab; the one who also had many 'see me' assignment work; the one who took your lunch and haven't got food posioning.

Dunkey6_6 說...

Oh, I'm so absent-minded!!! I should remember to pay you back the "Sound of Music" ticket fee!!! Oh, what a fool! But wait, blk 1 is not my home... I'm afraid you'd threatened the wrong room! (ha~ I support not should I tell you... I'm in blk 2!) Don't send me Birthday Day gift on the wrong day and wrong flat wor! Mind you remember my BDay la! I'm so happy that you'd "appreciate" my extraordinary lunch and read my long long article!! Thanks for coming Berry!